This isn't just about Roanoke Va Temporary Services, I just need the tags for SEO purposes. What this is about is how temporary services are increasingly helping to destroy the economy, increase unemployment numbers and just in general provide a service that is more harmful than helpful.
Know how I know? I've worked on all sides of the coin. I've been an administrator for an international company, an employee at a Roanoke Temp service, and a temporary worker for several of them.
So Why Do Companies Use Temp Services?
- The obvious of course, is it takes a world of paperwork, insurance filing, and just in general administrative mayhem to hire one person. When that hired person fails to perform their duties, and are fired, or do not show up, there is yet more paperwork mayhem that ensues for said administrators. This means hours of wasted wages for the admin of that company.
- Because they can get employees now.
- Because someone else handles all of the paperwork involved in hiring, W-9's etc.
- Because temporary services have convinced them it is the best option for their company for mostly only the above listed reasons.
At What Cost?
The cost is considerable, and not just on a monetary basis.
You can almost guarantee that if a temp worker is knocking down an whole 8 dollars an hour, the temp service is making at least four dollars per hour off of that employee alone.
Does this add up?
Let's say an administrator can waste a whole day hiring and firing one employee. That is giving it WAY more than required, unless the employee is being hired for a government job, which by the way, does not use temporary services. Think about that a moment. Since when does the government not take advantage of things that are truly good 'deals.'
If this administrator makes 20 per hour, an 8 hour day brings in $160 dollars. We will be generous and not tax her or him.
Drug testing - $150
Background Check - $60
Employee Equipment - $400
Other Fees $200
These are VERY high estimates, and honestly, I don't even know what the other fees would entail, but I added them to buffer the impact that is coming.
This comes to $970 dollars.
If the temp employee makes $8 per hour. An unlivable wage by the way, they are paid $320 before taxes. $160, what it would cost the administrator to hire and fire if they were sloth slow, is what the temporary service gets to keep, just for one week.
Temporary Services
When working for one Roanoke Va Temp Service, I was actually trained to 'get as many signed up as you can', but when asked about providing them jobs, I got a shoulder shrug, and told that when the jobs came in, they would get them.
Now, before I worked there, I had been on the other side of the desk. And I remembered how incredibly annoying it was to spend 4 hours at a temp service, registering, taking test, more useless crap and so on. So I was pretty annoyed with that casual reply.
In 4 hours, a person hunting employment, can put in oh, 16 resumes or applications with a REAL company. Even in this economy, that should reap some results at some point. The problem is, no one but the temporary services OWN these jobs. They have them, people apply, the company ignores them the moment they are signed up.
My husband was laid off last year, he is now registered with every temporary service in Roanoke. They pay him under well under $10 per hour while I know they are making $13.50. They display FAKE JOBS in the Roanoke Times online and Daily paper advertising how desperate they are for help.
But when I put in FAKE APPLICATIONS, of course, I only get the 'Come on in and sign up' trip. I don't even need a job. But I can't tell you how freakin' disgusting it is to see a job pop up that my husband is OVER QUALIFIED for, at a service he is registered for. Yet when I email them to inquire, I actually get IGNORED. No replies, no acknowledgment. Do they even know about email confirmations?
How Does this Affect Companies Who Hire Temp Workers?
First and foremost you are not getting a 'deal.'
- You are getting struggling, frustrated workers, likely with no health insurance, probably with a second or third job to support their insulting 8 dollar an hour temp job at a 15 dollar an hour company.
- You get workers who know how screwed they are getting, and find no pleasure in it at all.
- You get employees who will RIGHTFULLY refuse to do dangerous or difficult jobs for $7.50 an hour while the person next to them makes $16.45 to order them to do so. I am quite sure that "I ain't doing this for no temp job," is commonly heard, and a common cause of dismissal for temp workers. And yes there are more where they came from, unfortunately, they feel the same way.
- You get employees who have no loyalty, company morale, or initiative to see that your product or service succeeds. And why should they? You don't even show enough respect for them to ALLOW them to have insurance they have to pay for to keep their families healthy and ALIVE.
As far as I am concerned, companies are selling out human decency in place of a couple of minor conveniences that actually cost far more than they are worth.
But let's not forget where we were.
The Math
I hate math and my husband isn't home so bear with me.
We showed that an employee made a temp service $160 the first week. And here is the catch. Years ago, when Temp services in Roanoke, Va hired temporary employees, they were just that, temporary. Do your four to six months, and you would be hired on. I won at least 3 jobs this way myself, one of them I met almost none of the educational requirements for, and was paid substantially in wages, training, and business knowledge.
Nowadays, Temp services in Roanoke barely even bother lying to you to tell you it could go permanent. Most of the time they tell you it won't. It's permanently temporary. I don't have an economics degree, and neither apparently do many people in Roanoke Va that hire temporary workers.
The first week, the Roanoke Temporary service made $160.
Realistically, you may need to work one year through them before the company themselves have to WRENCH you away from the temp service. Often they have to even pay additional fees to hire on a worker they want, very discouraging for them. So at that rate. A Roanoke Temp service will make:
160 x 4 x12 =
$7680 per year
Paid at the rate they would have been had they been hired on at the company directly, this employee would have made:
$23,040 that year. A livable wage
However, working for your company, he or she only made $15,360.
If you are a business owner and do not think that an additional $7680 per year, with insurance, 401k and other benefits people actually need to live, wouldn't buy you an employee with a bit more loyalty, care and concern for their job, and willingness to show up on time everyday, than you need to head on over to Virginia Western and grab a Psychology class or two.
The Economy?
The economy is still struggling, as it has been for years, companies are dumping employees in large batches still, and some have begun the hiring process again. But really, why are so many companies handing over this monopoly on jobs to these temp services in Roanoke who have not many goals other then getting a huge influx of 'signer uppers', and rarely handing out real jobs?
Do they really see this as beneficial to their bottom line? It is actually the total opposite. Not only that, but you are taking the hiring process, the very process your own administrators with knowledge of your company and its needs, and handing it over to someone who doesn't even have a business degree. I didn't and I was a full time 'Temp Service Hiring Agent.'
I didn't know how your business REALLY worked. Knowing what you sell, and knowing the production process are two different things no?
I didn't know that someone under a certain height couldn't do the job you needed covered. I didn't know that a particular position required someone who could tolerate a lot of heat.
If it wasn't such an immoral thing to do, it would almost be funny. Paying a temporary service, 14 dollars per hour, for a temporary employee making $10, is almost guaranteed to get you a 'temporary' worker. That is, one who knows how unimportant, insubstantial, and shaky their position is within your company and is likely to act accordingly.
Why any one who is smart enough to own a business sees this as a lucrative undertaking is beyond me.
Wow that is really pretty horrible. I never knew temp services were like that.